Doing the Full Immersion? Your journey awaits!
Who is El Camino Mastermind for?
How might I “Choose my own adventure”? What are the choices?
What does the Virtual Mastermind include?
What is the virtual mastermind all about?
What can I expect from the VIP experience in Spain?
What is the time commitment?
Do I need to apply?
What if I apply and make a downpayment but am not selected to go on the hike?
What if my plans change after I pay?
Let's do this!
I'm Kristin Joy Ekkens, and I'll be your mastermind coach and the main guide on this journey. I am a graduate of Stanford GSB's Executive LEAD Program focused on leadership & innovation, a Certified High Performance Coach (CHPC), a Certified Diversity Executive (CDE), a Certified Facilitator of Edgewalkers, and a certified Master Facilitator of cultural intelligence (CQ) and unconscious bias (UB). My approach to personal growth is forward-thinking and founded in innovation, design-thinking, and human-centered learning.
Join me!
Your Guide and Future Coach,